One insight can change the course of your life.
The Power To Be podcast invites you to experience intimate one-on-one coaching sessions with individuals from all over the world. As you listen to their story, you’ll experience shifts and ah-ha moments for yourself causing your own transformation.
Erin Anderson guides participants through perspective shifts, gracefully weaving her background in design and brand, yoga, leadership and spirituality into her coaching style. Erin is committed to real deal conversations that help people move past entrenched patterns of thought to access a true sense of personal power. She fearlessly leads her courageous guests toward their true path. This is what rapid transformation looks like, feels like and sounds like.
Join Erin, and find out what this week's guest has the Power To Be.
You sense there is something more.
You are in search of one insight
that can light the way.
We are travellers into the unknown.
Your quest is to discover and
claim your unique gift, one that’s
always been yours.
And when you do, decisions flow,
synchronicities happen and life
unfolds in magical ways.
You have the power within to be
all that you are, do all that you
must and have all that you wish.
This is the Power To Be.

Tune in here
the power to be film
Have you ever noticed how a ray of light, caught by a leaf in the wind dances and shifts? Has your heart been fully consumed with love in a moment of embrace? Have you felt every step on your way into an important meeting? These are the moments in between. These are the moments that transform us. Because transformation only ever happens in the now. This is the magic of real and true conversations. Truth is felt down to your fingertips and into your bones. Truth is visceral. This is the Power To Be Film. There are very few people who have the capability to bring transformation into the visual realm. In fact, there is only one person who has been able to capture the essence of the courage, grace and light that transformation creates. Her name is Andi Wardrop. Andi has added another dimension to the work of helping people get clear and powerful. She embodies inspiration. Thank you Andi for producing this film.